
We all share the enthusiasm for high-end bikes and quality products. As a team, we aim to stir that same passion in others through our work.

Your premium team thinks ahead.

Our Team is made up of many different minds with quite divers experience and backgrounds. This is a tremendous asset to our daily work: The different points of view, individual ideas and impulses help us improve each and every day.

We materialize your large, small and smallest projects in a reliable and precise manner. Rest assured: Now and again, we will engage in an active dialogue with you and bring our active and honest assessment of the steps planned to the table.

Saqib Ali
Lena Draegert
Kamal Fakhro
Blazej Felusiak
Julita Witkiewicz
Krzysztof Kedziora
Jan Kohlhase
Kai Ludwig
Patrycja Strzelecka
Detlef Weege
Kamila Wlodarczak
Patryk Gabryszak
Christian Lacey
Seymore Townsend
Soenke Vossgroene

When are you joining the team?

Check our open positions now!

Let us know your idea, ask us all your questions and let’s join forces for another success story. We are looking forward to it!
+49 5222 233 476 0